Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Red Book Blog

Hello You,
I suppose I should explain that this blog is dedicated to a thick, red-bound notebook that I carry around with me everywhere. Hence the title Red Book Blog. In it I write. . .everything. I can never be bored if I have a pen and my red book handy. It's contents include; idea webs, notes, quotes, and excerpts from my stories. Then much less glamorous are; shopping lists, budgets, doodles, and drawings from my three children, who all believe that whenever I am writing in my red book they should be writing in my red book.

I have to admit that my heart is racing at the thought of writing to You. I've always written to You. In my red book everything was addressed to You, but I never had any idea that You would actually read it. The possibility that you might is slightly greater now. I suddenly feel extremely self conscious. My thoughts are disjointed. My grammar is far from flawless. At least my spelling will be much improved thanks to spell check. I've also been told that no one can read or write cursive anymore so typing is a plus. It would seem that since You are now listening I should be more formal and carefully consider each thing that I put down. Well too bad. I'm not going to. If I try to write for anyone besides myself, even You, it turns out terribly. (Not to mention that I am the mother of three and my time has to be carefully guarded. For example it has taken me an hour to write these paragraphs due to the number of times I've had to get up and take care of something.)

Don't worry. Hopefully this red book internet edition will still have some merit.

Well, live long and prosper.

p.s. I am currently on red book IV. Red book III was lost. If You have seen a ragged red book filled with mostly illegible nonsense please let me know. I miss it terribly.

p.p.s. I'm about ready to pull my hair out. Two of my children are fighting over the keyboard. It makes writing, as You can imagine, rather difficult!

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