Friday, March 19, 2010

Dear You,
As promised I'm not worrying at all about what I write. I'm just going to write what is there bouncing around my head. My heart is racing so fast. Yes, lucky me is having a panic attack. Why? Oh for no real reason, just part of being insane. Have I told you my insane theory. No? Well, I have decided that anyone who is truly creative has to be a bit crazy, whether they admit it or not. I admit it. Completely off my rocker. Not all there. No full deck for me. Hopefully I can put my off kilter metal capacities to good work. So I guess I'll just endure the frantic pounding, the shivering, and the certainty that something terrible is afoot, even though there is not.

Words before me
sent to You
make them real?
Clear my heart

Smashed to smithereens

That's all I have to say

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, I disagree. You're not COMPLETELY off your rocker. And your deck is not that far from full.
