Friday, April 16, 2010

Why is it different?

Hello You,

Tonight I'm looking out at the park across the street where my we played earlier today. The night makes it different. If I were out there I wouldn't sit on the benches. I would slide down the cool slides. I would walk in the cool sand. I would climb the cool ladders with bare feet.
And my children are asleep.
Why is it different?

Bye You.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I have so many clever posts written in my head, but I just feel yucky. Yucky, yucky, yucky. The only person who can make it better is my mother and she's at work. How dare she? She needs to be available to sooth my sorrow at every moment. I know that there are many other people who love me and would say, 'I'll help.' But sorry, I want my mommy.

I am now sticking my tongue out at You as a goodbye.

p.s. I just realized something. I'm a mommy. I hope I can sooth sorrow as well as my Mother. Yikes!

Friday, April 2, 2010

journal edition-bad memory

My memory is so bad. There is so much that I want to remember. So much of it is gone already.
Today I want to remember two cute kids (Kailie and Wesley) sitting on the floor against the wall with orange stained fingers and lips from eating marshmallow-sized Cheetos.
I want to remember Wesley wailing, "Mommy my eyebrows are cold."
Well, there are two memories that I can keep now. If You know how to get back all the ones that I didn't write down please tell me.